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School Policies

Discipline and Learning


The primary focus at Denali Elementary School is on the overall success of every student. We seek to build within each child a love of learning, a sense of responsibility, self-discipline, a positive self-image, and respect for others. (LOVE, KINDNESS, AND RESPECT) Students are expected to make positive behavior choices that promote their safety, the safety of others, and a productive learning environment.

School discipline is a collaborative effort by the parents, guardians, students, and staff. The focus of our discipline policy is to promote positive behavior choices by recognizing students who engage in consistent positive behavior. However, mistakes are a natural part of growth, therefore, we help students reflect on errors in judgment and behavior and support them in learning how to make better decisions.

We teach and model positive behavior including listening, cooperation, and mutual respect. We encourage students to make independent decisions and act responsibly towards others and with property. When this occurs, we believe that a very positive and productive learning environment will result, enabling students to strive for excellence.

In order to show respect, maintain safety, and focus on learning, I will:
1. Follow directions the first time.
2. Speak using polite language, volume, and tone.
3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to myself.
4. Be where I am supposed to be.
5. Take care of school property and personal belongings.
6. Walk quietly in the hallways so I do not disturb other classes.

While most students consistently observe these standards and behave safely and appropriately, there are times when misbehavior warrants intervention and consequences. Teachers and other staff use a variety of classroom and behavior management strategies to address such behavior. When these strategies are not successful in changing that behavior and/or serious incidents occur, it is necessary for additional action to be taken. The following outlines those disciplinary actions.

1) Discipline Report (DR) – this is a reminder, a warning, to the student about behavior that is expected. The DR is sent home with the student to be signed by the parent and returned the following day. (3 DR’s will equal a detention)

2) Detention – This is for more serious (e.g. fighting, safety of others) or continuous misbehaviors. This will be served on Friday of that week and is meant to give a student a chance to think about their actions. (This might include a writing assignment or a community service project may be performed if appropriate.) A note is sent home with the student to be signed by the parent and returned the following day and parents will be contacted by phone.

3) Office Referral – this is for continued disruptive behavior, which takes away from the right of others in a positive environment. For the most serious infractions, students may receive a detention, in-school suspension, or out-of-school suspension following school district policies.

4) Bus Misconduct – This is for behaviors, which are disruptive or endangering to others and to the safe operation of the school bus. These are treated very seriously and may lead to a 3-day or a 5-day bus suspension. Parents will be notified in all cases of bus misconduct.

Here are additional school specific rules:
1) There is no gum chewing on school grounds (protects building and furnishings).
2) Hats are not worn in the building.
3) Any dress that causes a distraction will not be accepted.
4) Students should not bring electronic or battery powered equipment to school. Items for “sharing time” should be kept in their backpack or desk.
5) Toys should be left at home unless pre-approved by the teacher.
6) Playground supervision starts at 8:40 am. Entry to the classroom is 8:55. If the temperature at Denali is less that -20 or raining, we will have early entry starting at 8:30.
7) Students are to go straight home after dismissal unless they are staying for special after school activities.
8) Breakfast is served from 8:00 to 8:25 am. Children should go straight to the cafeteria to eat breakfast. ALL BREAKFAST is to be eaten in the cafeteria area. When finished, students should return to the playground until the entry bell at 8:55.

Denali Pride  Love, Kindness, & Respect